Prerequisite: for dogs who have completed Advanced Pup 1 or 2, Basic Obedience, CGC, or a similar basic obedience class at another facility
In this class dogs will learn skills needed to perform in the competition Beginner Novice and Novice classes. Your dog will learn how to focus when presented
with distractions, heel on a loose leash, recall with enthusiasm, sit and stand for exam, and stay in the sit or down position besides other dogs. Dogs will be
introduced to marking objects and retrieving them.
Basic Obedience
For dogs 6 months and older who have not had any formal training, and newly adopted dogs.
Our basic obedience class is the perfect course for dogs that have never taken a class before, dogs who need to learn techniques to help them correct
undesirable behaviors and for dogs who need to refine their obedience skills. Attention and focus exercises will help your dog to comply with basic commands
such as: sit, down, stand, come, no jumping, loose leash heeling and relaxation. Your dog will learn skills necessary to perfect their immediate recall and stay on
command with and without distractions. They will learn how to interact with people, other dogs and how to walk politely on a loose leash. Common behavior
problems will be addressed in class as needed. Dogs must be friendly with other dogs and people for this class. This class may be repeated as necessary to
perfect the your dog’s skills.
Rally Obedience
Prerequisite: For dogs that have completed a basic obedience course and are able to work with their handlers on and off leash among other dogs.
Rally obedience is the perfect team sport for dogs and owners to experience once they've completed their basic obedience training. In this sport the dog and
owner follow a numbered course comprised of signs that indicate a specific obedience exercise to be performed. The skills of the exercises range from on leash in
the Novice Level to more challenging skills including off leash work and jumps as your dog moves up to the next level. You are allowed to talk to your dog
throughout the course and scoring is not as rigorous as Competition Obedience.
Whether you plan to compete to the highest level in this sport or just want to do it with your dog for fun, you will notice that special bond between you and your
dog growing more with each challenging level. The levels for AKC Rally are: Novice, Intermediate, Excellent and Masters. Your dog is now eligible to compete
towards a Rally Championship..
Thank you for your interest in Coal Dogs. If you have any questions
about our company or services, feel free to contact us.
314 Sunnyside Ave.
South Abington Twp. PA 18411
Email: barb@coaldogs.com
Phone: (570) 586-7273
Cell (570) 267-8074
Copyright © Coal Dogs 2018
Coal Dogs offers a wide variety of dog training classes from puppy
training through competition training. Our knowledgeable instructors
use positive based training methods to help you train your dog and
build a strong bond. Whether a beginner or seasoned handler, a
puppy or an adult dog; each program is individually tailored to meet all
needs with the best training experience possible. At Coal Dogs we
make training fun for you and your dog!