AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program Requirements: Pups 12 weeks to 5 months) and (pups 6 months to 1 year. Our puppy classes lay the foundation for your pup to become a great adult dog who will be welcomed by your family, friends and community. We provide a safe environment for your puppies to learn skills necessary for safe socialization with people and other puppies. In our structured classes we will teach you how to handle puppy training issues including house training, chewing, jumping and biting. We also cover basic obedience skills such as sit, down, stand, walking politely on leash, coming when called and how to settle down your puppy. ​Upon completion of one of our puppy training classes your puppy is eligible for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program. AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy training is a natural lead in to the AKC® Canine Good Citizen® Program. For more information visit www.akc.org/starpuppy.
Advanced Puppy 1 Prerequisite: Puppies must have graduated from the Coal Dogs AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy class. This class will build on the basic commands taught in the AKC S.T.A.R. class such as sit, down, stand, walking politely on leash, coming when called and how to settle down. In this class puppies will be introduced to mat work for training “place” to perfect their stays with distractions and distance. Exercises will include fun and reliable recalls, take it and leave it, door protocol safety, advanced heeling exercises and focus attention work.
Advanced Puppy 2 Prerequisite: Puppies must have graduated from the Coal Dogs AKC S.T.A.R. class and Adv Pup 1 or a similar class from another training facility. Focus will be on perfecting verbal and hand signals for skills necessary to work your puppy on and off leash with more distractions. In this session your puppy will learn more refined skills for improved manners, safety and pleasure. Real life applications and distractions will be applied to exercises requiring self-control. Your puppy will be able to sit automatically when you come to a stop while heeling and will be able to stay in place and remain calm when you are out of sight. Common behavior problems will be addressed as needed.
Basic Obedience For dogs 6 months and older who have not had any formal training, and newly adopted dogs. Our basic obedience class is the perfect course for dogs that have never taken a class before, dogs who need to learn techniques to help them correct undesirable behaviors and for dogs who need to refine their obedience skills. Attention and focus exercises will help your dog to comply with basic commands such as: sit, down, stand, come, no jumping, loose leash heeling and relaxation. Your dog will learn skills necessary to perfect their immediate recall and stay on command with and without distractions. They will learn how to interact with people, other dogs and how to walk politely on a loose leash. Common behavior problems will be addressed in class as needed. Dogs must be friendly with other dogs and people for this class. This class may be repeated as necessary to perfect the your dog’s skills.
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CONTACT US Thank you for your interest in Coal Dogs. If you have any questions about our company or services, feel free to contact us. 314 Sunnyside Ave. South Abington Twp. PA 18411 Email: barb@coaldogs.com Phone: (570) 586-7273 Cell (570) 267-8074
Copyright © Coal Dogs 2018
Coal Dogs offers a wide variety of dog training classes from puppy training through competition training. Our knowledgeable instructors use positive based training methods to help you train your dog and build a strong bond. Whether a beginner or seasoned handler, a puppy or an adult dog; each program is individually tailored to meet all needs with the best training experience possible. At Coal Dogs we make training fun for you and your dog!
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AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program Requirements: Pups 10 weeks to 5 months) and (pups 6 months to 1 year. Our puppy classes lay the foundation for your pup to become a great adult dog who will be welcomed by your family, friends and community. We provide a safe environment for your puppies to learn skills necessary for safe socialization with people and other puppies. In our structured classes we will teach you how to handle puppy training issues including house training, chewing, jumping and biting. We also cover basic obedience skills such as sit, down, stand, walking politely on leash, coming when called and how to settle down your puppy. ​Upon completion of one of our puppy training classes your puppy is eligible for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program. AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy training is a natural lead in to the AKC® Canine Good Citizen® Program. For more information visit www.akc.org/starpuppy.
Advanced Puppy 1 Prerequisite: Puppies must have graduated from the Coal Dogs AKC S.T.A.R. class. This class will build on the basic commands taught in the AKC S.T.A.R. class such as sit, down, stand, walking politely on leash, coming when called and how to settle down. In this class puppies will be introduced to mat work for training “place” to perfect their stays with distractions and distance. Exercises will include fun and reliable recalls, take it and leave it, door protocol safety, advanced heeling exercises and focus attention work.
Advanced Puppy 2 Prerequisite: Puppies must have graduated from the Coal Dogs AKC S.T.A.R. class and Adv Pup 1 or a similar class from another training facility. Focus will be on perfecting verbal and hand signals for skills necessary to work your puppy on and off leash with more distractions. In this session your puppy will learn more refined skills for improved manners, safety and pleasure. Real life applications and distractions will be applied to exercises requiring self-control. Your puppy will be able to sit automatically when you come to a stop while heeling and will be able to stay in place and remain calm when you are out of sight. Common behavior problems will be addressed as needed.
Basic Obedience - for dogs 6 months and older who have not had any formal training, and newly adopted dogs. Our basic obedience class is the perfect course for dogs that have never taken a class before, dogs who need to learn techniques to help them correct undesirable behaviors and for dogs who need to refine their obedience skills. Attention and focus exercises will help your dog to comply with basic commands such as: sit, down, stand, come, no jumping, loose leash heeling and relaxation. Your dog will learn skills necessary to perfect their immediate recall and stay on command with and without distractions. They will learn how to interact with people, other dogs and how to walk politely on a loose leash. Common behavior problems will be addressed in class as needed. Dogs must be friendly with other dogs and people for this class. This class may be repeated as necessary to perfect the your dog’s skills.
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CONTACT US Thank you for your interest in Coal Dogs. If you have any questions about our company or services, feel free to contact us. 314 Sunnyside Ave. South Abington Twp. PA 18411 Email: barb@coaldogs.com Phone: (570) 586-7273 Cell (570) 267-8074
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(570) 586-7273 Phone: